Latest acquisition of Sri Lanka's premier financial institution, Union Bank of Colombo PLC along with its international strategic investment partner Shore Cap II Ltd (USA) formed UB Finance Company Ltd (UBF) in the end of the year 2011.

At UBF we offer our clients with comprehensive financial solutions such as Leasing, Higher Purchase, Loans, Fixed Deposits, Savings, Real Estate and Factoring.  Being registered under the Monetary Board of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, UBF is the first finance institute to be backed by a commercial bank in the private sector, thus having the stability of a bank and flexibility of a finance company.

With the guidance of a well reputed Board of Directors from both parent companies and the strength of a dedicated team supported by a custom built state of the art IT solutions, UBF has already made its mark in the industry. Being in line with its strategic intent, UBF is expanding its foot print and getting closer to its customers by uniquely positioning new branches island wide.